Tag Archives: The Traveling Vegetarian

Musings on Activism

Musings on Activism

Posted on 02. Jan, 2013 by Yvonne Smith.


As an activist, I have those moments where living in the world with the knowledge I possess is difficult. I would never call myself suicidal, but sometimes the things I see on a daily basis make me so sad I almost lose faith in humanity. But then something magical happens and I remember why I [...]

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Being Vegan Isn’t Hard

Being Vegan Isn’t Hard

Posted on 22. Oct, 2012 by Yvonne Smith.


Being vegan isn’t hard. In fact, for me, it’s pure joy. I LOVE being vegan. The challenge lies in living in a world where so many are completely ignorant about what’s really going on. I don’t believe that humans are inherently uncaring. I truly believe that if more people knew what was happening to the [...]

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Veganism, Energy and Getting Aligned with Your Beliefs

Veganism, Energy and Getting Aligned with Your Beliefs

Posted on 26. Feb, 2011 by Yvonne Smith.


Veganism really is one of my top loves. It’s a broad topic and there are so many reasons to be vegan and to promote it as a lifestyle. Many people expect me to be a healthy eating guru and I have had some interest in that, but it’s not what drives me to get up [...]

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